Gemstone Bling!

Fall Engagement?? The gems associated with the months of the season aren't just for use as birthstones!  Claim the warmth & robust energy of Autumn as you consider popping the question to your Special Someone, and customize an engagement band that best suits their style and the intention you plan to infuse!

The month of October boasts tourmaline and also opal as its gemstones.  Tourmalines range in color from a bright fuschia to a deep, alluring red like that of burgundy. Pink tourmaline can be the hue of a whispery blush, and as transparent as a diamond; and tourmalines generally are rather sturdy stones. Tourmaline is associated with the heart, and also calm and peacefulness. Pink tourmaline particularly is considered a gem of compassion, healing and in some references is an attractor of friendship, money and spiritual wisdom.

Opal is known for its playfulness with light and color: each stone is whimsical with the rainbow! Most people think of opals as white, but the stone can range from colorless and opaque through nearly all of the hues: yellow, orange, pink, red, green, blue, brown and even black! This stone is delicate structurally, but opals are considered a strong protective talisman. They are also associated with healing qualities, including the ability to promote an aura of light. Other associations include hope, truth, confidence, faithfulness, good fortune, love and passion.

The month of November is connected with topaz and citrine. Topaz is found in all colors of the rainbow, while citrine is a form of yellow quartz and is found in scintiallating yellow and orange. Citrine is prized for its radiant energy and healing properties, symbolic of optimism, happiness, abundance and wellness, including inner peace and emotional harmony. It is also a cleansing stone, thought to bring clarity and creativity.

Topaz is structurally a very hard stone and therefore very durable. It can appear to be a different color from different angles: fascinating! Unusual hues include the earthy 'sherry' topaz, the rare pink topaz, and colorless or 'silver' topaz, which can be used as an alternative to diamond. This gem is associated with the ability to recharge and nourish, as well as strengthen emotional support and help its wearer become more receptive to love. It is also a stone associated with peace, strength and protection.

Whether you're planning a custom crafted engagement ring, or another type of engagement jewelry, all gemstones are rich with symbolic meanings and qualities.  Enjoy discovering what each one offers, and choosing the stone/s that best complement the intention of your proposal, and the vision you wish to create for your future together.  BEST WISHES!



Popping the Question with Style

Who would have thought that finding your soulmate was the easy part?  But now, on the brink of proposing a lifelong commitment, that all seems indeed like a ‘piece of cake.’  …Kneesquaking-mindspinning-heartthumpinggymnastics…  Get Ready for the Four Most Exciting Words of Your Life!

Who does the Asking?

There are no set guidelines, with respect to same-sex unions.  …Would we really want there to be?  Creating your very own tradition is encouraged – it will make for the most perfect Engagement Story.  Romantic or adventurous, collaborative or spontaneous … as unique as is your relationship.

What elements should I include to make the Surprise memorable?

Follow your heart and your intuition – they’ve gotten you this far!  However it’s also important to remember your Basics from Psychology 101:  this proposal is a fulfillment of your dreams, of course, but it’s moreover for your partner.  Keep in mind his or her particular tastes and fondest wishes.

Do some detective work.  Over an ordinary dinner, keep your proposal plans a secret while you quiz your partner on his or her likes and dislikes.  How does she prefer that you show affection:  verbally, with gifts, through a handwritten poem, with a tender massage?...     What really sets the mood for him:  background music, an unexpected weekend getaway, simple quality time together at home?...  Take these things into consideration as you plan the details of how/when/where you will propose.

Communication, Communication, Communication.  If you’ve held a specific vision in your mind about what your engagement would look like… be sure to share that with your partner.  She may think it’s outrageous you’ve been planning since childhood, but let her know you’re serious about it.  At the same time, realize that the relationship is comprised of the two of you: flexibility and allowing for her input will not only make the proposal wonderful in unexpected ways, it will make your subsequent wedding plans that much more wonderful and peaceful too.

Should there be a Ring?  Who should pick it out?

Most couples report that including the presentation of a ring during the proposal absolutely makes the moment.  There is, quite simply, a degree of seriousness expressed in this symbolic exchange.  The gift of the ring highlights the formality of your proposal; at the same time it draws on the emotionality of one centuries-old tradition that does in fact translate well for GLBTQ relationships.

The issue about picking out the ring/s will vary, couple to couple.  For some, picking them out together is the perfect solution to insure that both partners’ styles and preferences are represented.  This often works well if the rings are selected but bought separately later, or the exact timing of the proposal is left undecided.  Sometimes a couple will go so far as to stipulate that the proposal must wait a few months after the purchase, so that there is plenty of time to insure an ideal set of circumstances to Pop the Question.

On the other hand, many couples find that it’s easy to pick out a ring for their partner, and that the surprise in fact adds to the excitement on the day of the proposal.  Remember, having fun is part of the process too!

What are some Ideas?

Take time to think about the ‘Wow-Factor.’  And keep in mind that no matter what you decide, there are always a variety of ways to splurge, to budget or to involve others so that the day of your proposal can be everything you wish for it to be.

Here is just a short list to get you started:

    Rose petals – A romantic added touch,
no matter where your proposal takes place

    Water – Let the magic of a waterfall, lake, stream
or even a fountain complete the ambience

    Chocolate – Don’t forget just how sexy dessert can be!
        Some couples hide the engagement ring in a box
        of chocolates, or top off a slice of decadent cake
        with the dazzling diamond… be creative!

    Personalize – A homemade card, a handwritten promise
        or a crafted gift box can sweetly accent your sentiment

    Wine –A simple toast can be just the way to his heart

    Audience– While many couples prefer a private moment,
        for some the inclusion of a circle of friends or witnesses
        creates a greater sense of exhilaration

    Rituals– Including a sacred tradition during or just after your
        proposal is a beautiful way to heighten intimacy and
        formalize the moment

After the ‘Yes!’…

It’s a rush, to propose or be proposed to!  Your partner will be that much more delighted if you are prepared to quickly register for gifts, or begin chatting about Wedding Plans.  Take time in advance to choose a few registry options, or consider buying a wedding planner guide simply to indulge your new fiancée.

Enjoy the anticipation!

Your Engagement Story will last a lifetime – make it one that will bring a sweet smile to both you and your partner for endless years to come.  Congrats!