Fulfillment Policy
Terms of Service & Conditions for Advertisers with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com
Online, E-Newsletters, Wedding Expos
Online Advertiser Terms of Service
The RainbowWeddingNetwork Family of entities includes, but is not limited to, the following: Artistic Ventures, Inc., RainbowWeddingNetwork.com, GayWeddings.us.com, SameLoveSameRights.com and the Same Love, Same Rights LGBTQ Wedding Expos (also referred to as LGBTQ+ Wedding Expo/s).
The following is the full agreement between you, as an online advertiser, and Artistic Ventures, Inc., the parent company to RainbowWeddingNetwork. This agreement goes into effect immediately when you submit payment for an online storefront/listing with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com.
I, the online advertiser, by submitting payment for an online storefront/listing with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com, do hereby agree to the following terms:
*Neither myself nor any representative of the company I represent will discriminate in any way against any potential client and/or customer based on race, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. I further agree that Artistic Ventures, Inc. (RainbowWeddingNetwork) has the right to discontinue my advertisement/s with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com should it be found that I have breached this agreement.
*By submitting payment, I agree to the terms of a one-time, nonrefundable fee for online marketing services with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com, with the understanding that this fee is for advertisement services only and that there is no guarantee of direct business referrals.
*I understand that an online storefront/listing advertisement consists of a single website page comprised of contact information, weblinks, description text, images and video as defined by my package selection on the registration page at https://www.rainbowweddingnetwork.com/joinnow. RainbowWeddingNetwork.com will make this website page accessible to other website users through search results in up to the defined number of categories, as determined by my package selection on the registration page at https://www.rainbowweddingnetwork.com/joinnow, and up to 250 miles of the defined number of U.S. geographic location(s) of my choice, as determined by the package selection on that same page. The activation period for my storefront/listing is determined by the package selection I choose during the sign-up process. Renewal of my storefront/listing and any other marketing package/s I may choose with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com is optional. I will be notified by email of renewal opportunities and at that time will have the option to pay for further services: RainbowWeddingNetwork.com will not automatically renew my storefront/listing without my authorization.
*Checking spam filters for any communication from RainbowWeddingNetwork.com is my responsbility. If I feel there is a lapse in communication from RainbowWeddingNetwork, I understand I may call the phone number provided for assistance.
*I further understand that I, as the online advertiser, am responsible for the creation and maintenance of an accurate and complete storefront/listing with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com. Inaccuracies in my storefront/listing's information are entirely my responsibility and I understand that it is suggested that I routinely check over my storefront/listing information and make any updates as necessary throughout the term of its activation. I understand I can access and maintain storefront listing information by logging into the member dashboard at https://www.rainbowweddingnetwork.com/login. Support from RainbowWeddingNetwork staff is provided by phone at (828) 672-6377 and by email at
*I further agree to hold harmless Artistic Ventures, Inc. its affiliated entities, employees and staff from any and all claims relating to or arising from the use of its website, marketing opportunities and other services.
E-Newsletter Advertiser Terms of Service
The RainbowWeddingNetwork Family of entities includes, but is not limited to, the following: Artistic Ventures, Inc., RainbowWeddingNetwork.com, GayWeddings.us.com, SameLoveSameRights.com and the Same Love, Same Rights LGBTQ Wedding Expos (also referred to as LGBTQ+ Wedding Expo/s).
The following is the full agreement between you, as an e-newsletter advertiser, and Artistic Ventures, Inc., the parent company to RainbowWeddingNetwork. This agreement goes into effect immediately when you submit payment for a marketing package with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com.
I, the e-newsletter advertiser, by submitting payment for inclusion in the e-newsletter with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com, do hereby agree to the following terms:
*Neither myself nor any representative of the company I represent will discriminate in any way against any potential client and/or customer based on race, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. I further agree that Artistic Ventures, Inc. (RainbowWeddingNetwork) has the right to discontinue my advertisement/s with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com should it be found that I have breached this agreement.
*By submitting payment, I agree to the terms of a one-time, nonrefundable fee for marketing services with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com, with the understanding that this fee is for advertisement services only and that there is no guarantee of direct business referrals.
*I understand that an e-newsletter advertisement consists of the name of my company, logo graphic, 25-word tag line and weblink. RainbowWeddingNetwork.com will email this digital newsletter to its subscriber base approximately every 2 weeks and the number of my inclusions will be based on the package selection I choose during the sign-up process as outlined on the registration page at https://www.rainbowweddingnetwork.com/e-newsletters Renewal of my e-newsletter advertisement and any other marketing package/s I may choose with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com is optional. I will be notified by email of renewal opportunities and at that time will have the option to pay for further services: RainbowWeddingNetwork.com will not automatically renew my e-newsletter advertisement without my authorization.
**I further understand that I, as the online advertiser, am responsible for the creation of an accurate and complete e-newsletter advertisement with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com, using the form provided at https://www.rainbowweddingnetwork.com/adsubmit Inaccuracies in this information are entirely my responsibility. I understand that I will be emailed a copy of the e-newsletter and it is my responsibility to check my spam filter as necessary.
*Checking spam filters for any communication from RainbowWeddingNetwork.com is my responsbility. If I feel there is a lapse in communication from RainbowWeddingNetwork, I understand I may call the phone number provided for assistance.
*Support from RainbowWeddingNetwork staff is provided by phone at (828) 672-6377 and by email at
*I further agree to hold harmless Artistic Ventures, Inc. its affiliated entities, employees and staff from any and all claims relating to or arising from the use of its website, marketing opportunities and other services.
Event Exhibitor Terms of Participation
Exhibitor Booth Size and Dimensions
I hereby acknowledge that by registering for this event I am reserving an exhibitor space with set dimensions. I understand that I must confine all my display and exhibitor materials to this space.
Standard Exhibitor Booth Space: 8' x 6' footprint includes banquet table with linen and 2 chairs.
Premium Exhibitor Booth Space: EITHER 16’ in width x 6’ in depth (wallspace) OR a corner space (wall) with footprint of approximately 12’ x 12’. Premium Space ncludes complimentary electric access and optional 2 banquet tables with linens and optional 4 chairs.
I understand that as an exhibitor and/or sponsor of the event, myself and my staff are strictly prohibited from “canvassing” or otherwise roaming the event in any effort to further promote services or merchandise.
I further acknowledge that amplified sound and loud noise from the booth is prohibited.
Electric Availability
I understand that a limited number of exhibitor booths with electric access have been made available for this event.
I further understand that in order to utilize this service the day-of I must reserve an electric connection in advance and pay any applicable fees. I hereby acknowledge that electric access will only be made available to me under these conditions. (Electric access is included and complimentary with Premium Exhibitor Booth Spaces.)
Food, Beverage & Retail Sales
Note: For in-person events produced by RainbowWeddingNetwork, Exhibitors may not offer alcoholic samples of any kind.
Food vendors (for in-person events) - Please note that you may be required to provide further documentation to hand out food samples at this event. In some locales, you may also be required to obtain a special permit, which may involve additional fees. Contact our staff with any questions at (828) 672-6377. Please also note there will be no kitchen access at this event.
If your company is exhibiting at the event, and selling products, you are responsible for having knowledge of and being in compliance with all laws and ordinances pertaining to licensing, sales tax, and other applicable regulations.
Exhibitor Participation
After reserving a booth space at the upcoming Expo (whether an in-person or virtual event,) please know that if you choose not to participate the day-of the Expo you will not receive the rsvp/attendee list or couples' contact information.
General Statement of Liability
I hereby agree that neither myself nor any staffperson of the company I represent will discriminate in any way against any potential client or customer based on race, gender, or sexual orientation. I further agree that Artistic Ventures, Inc. / RainbowWeddingNetwork.com / SameLoveSameRights.com has the right to discontinue my advertisement/s with RainbowWeddingNetwork.com and my exhibitor participation at their LGBTQ+ Wedding Expo/s should it be found that I have breached this agreement.
The Exhibitor accepts full responsibility regarding business conducted at the LGBTQ+ Wedding & Family Expo. The assigned booth space is to be used solely by the Exhibitor named on this event application. Exhibitor will not sublet or assign any portion of booth space without written consent from the event producer. Tangible or virtual/digital business cards, flyers, brochures, signage, photos, magazines, or any other items promoting a company/product not named on this contract, will not be allowed in the booth or any other area of the expo. If this occurs, Exhibitor will be charged a minimum additional fee of $150.
If registering for an in-person expo, the Exhibitor is entirely responsible for their booth space and shall not affix to the walls, windows, ceilings, or floors of the venue any signs or display items, nor use tape, nails or any other adhesive-type materials on the building's surfaces. Exhibitor agrees to reimburse host facility, and/or the event producer, for any loss or damage to premises or equipment occurring in the Exhibitor's assigned booth space or throughout the venue or venue’s exterior premises that is caused by the exhibitor or exhibitor’s agents or employees.
The Exhibitor hereby acknowledges that Artistic Ventures, Inc. / RainbowWeddingNetwork.com assumes no tax liability for merchandise sold at their booth space, and that the exhibitor’s company is solely responsible for any and all sales tax due on merchandise sold at their booth. Exhibitors who distribute food or beverage samples at the expo agree that they are solely responsible for retaining proper permits for such distribution, and they agree to indemnify and save harmless the event producer/s and host site for any health or allergy issues to attendees caused by the sampling of such food or beverage items.
The Exhibitor, its Representatives, Employees, Agents and Volunteers agree to indemnify and save harmless Artistic Ventures, Inc. and RainbowWeddingNetwork.com, the host site, the event and the event producers, management and its employees and beneficiaries from any and all claims, causes of action and suits accruing or resulting from any damage, injury or loss to any persons, including but not limited to persons to whom the exhibitor may be liable under Worker’s Compensation Law and the exhibitor him/herself. Exhibitor also accepts and acknowledges that Artistic Ventures, Inc./ RainbowWeddingNetwork.com makes no guarantees concerning the event outcome, total attendance, or profitability.
Refund Policy: Payment for Exhibitor participation is a fee that is non-refundable. Should the expo be canceled due to conditions beyond the control of the event producer (for reasons including but not limited to weather, fire, strikes, protests, COVID-19, pandemics, terrorism or acts of God) the expo will be rescheduled, however refunds will not be guaranteed if the exhibitor’s company is unable to attend due to a conflict of scheduling availability. No reimbursements will be made to the Exhibitor due to a loss of revenue should such rescheduling occur. The event producer shall not be liable for any damage or expenses incurred by exhibitors if the expo is delayed or canceled. There are no exceptions.
By submitting payment for an exhibitor space at the expo, I agree to all terms outlined above and further agree that this is a one-time, nonrefundable fee for online, print or expo exhibitor marketing services with Artistic Ventures, Inc. / RainbowWeddingNetwork.com / SameLoveSameRights, with the understanding that this fee is for advertisement services only and that there is no guarantee of direct business referrals.