And yet another reason why we love Joe Biden...

Vice President Joe Biden Officiated His First Wedding for Same-Sex Couple This Week

Eight years ago our staff here at had the pleasure of attending a Clinton rally in Asheville, meeting her briefly, asking her about her stance of LGBT marriage rights, and we gave her a gift:  one of our signature 'Same Love, Same Rights'® lapel pins.  Such an honor!

Just this year, we had the chance to attend another rally - in Charlotte, this time, just last month, when President Obama officially endorsed Secretary Clinton in her bid for the presidency.

None of our staff has had the pleasure of seeing or meeting Vice President Biden, but his leadership and down-to-earth style have continued to captivate and inspire us.  He's continued to be an advocate for the common person, and that, for quite some time, has included the LGBT minority.  Kudos, Joe!  We appreciate your service and your integrity.  And congratulations on taking this beautiful opportunity to officiate at the marriage of these lucky grooms earlier this week!



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