Hurricane Sandy

Certainly our thoughts are, for the most part, with the many people affected this week by the superstorm.  There seems so little to say, in the face of such extensive hardship and destruction.

Here at RainbowWeddingNetwork, we have contacted many of the wedding professionals we are aligned with, who are based in NJ and NYC.  Happily, most have responded that they are okay.  A few emails are still unanswered... which of course brings concern.

It seems as if any small effort we extend to help can not possibly be enough.  This brings another realization - obviously if each of us helps in a small way, we can in fact collectively make a big difference.

Our team here at RainbowWeddingNetwork has looked into donating to some of the LGBT community centers in NJ and NY that may have been affected, but instead we have decided that a more immediate (but perhaps sometimes overlooked) need is to offer assistance on behalf of the animals and pets that have also weathered this storm.

We'll be sending a donation to the Humane Society early next week. We'll include 50% of all the donations we receive for Expo ticket reservations this week and through the weekend.

Thank you for your help.



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