Numbers Matter: Wedding Season IS Voting Season

Numbers matter...

The date of your wedding matters: it's a series of numbers you'll remember for the rest of your life.

The number 18,000 matters: it's the number of LGBTQ+ couples who wed throughout the state of California in the summer of 2008 when same-gender marriage was enacted there for several months prior to the passage of the notorious Proposition 8.

1100 is the number of rights and responsibilities that LGBTQ+ couples were denied, when marriage rights, civil unions or broadly-defined domestic partnerships were not permitted in our nation.

5 United States Supreme Court justices overturned Roe v. Wade. Those same 5, perhaps, are poised to overturn Obergefell vs Hodges and with it, national marriage equality.

The year 2024 matters, and the date November 5 matters. This of course is the final day we have to vote in this year's presidential election; the final day we have to vote for many other elected officials as well. Millions upon millions of us will cast our ballots that day, and in the weeks leading up to it during the period of early voting. Millions and millions: a collective number that certainly matters.

Numbers matter. They impact. They change the measure of things.

Here at, we launched our site 24 years ago, just as one state in the Union was beginning to enact civil union legislation. Since that time, we have met with tens of thousands of couples and wedding vendors all across the nation during our tour of LGBTQ+ wedding expos, and many tens of thousands more online.

Our team has experienced quite a few election cycles within the span of RWN's existence, and witnessed the ping pong ball dynamics that have taken place this past quarter century with regard to marriage rights for the LGBTQ+ community...   We can state unequivocally that elections matter, each and every one.

If you have not yet done so, we urge you to research the candidates seeking office in your locale; as well as the issues and legislative proposals on your ballot, both broadly and in specific terms.

Most of all, don't let anything get in the way of your plan to vote.

Because that is the number, perhaps, that matters most: One Vote, one powerful voice behind that vote.  Yours. And it represents you, and your rights, and your family, and your future.



Couples & LGBTQ+ friendly Wedding Professionals Motivated to Take Substantive Action in Response to Today’s SCOTUS Ruling

Today's SCOTUS ruling marks a decision that many in the LGBTQ+ community have foreseen since Obergefell, but hoped would not come to pass.

“It’s not so much the fact that certain business professionals are now able to openly discriminate, protected by what has been very strongly worded as 'First Amendment' rights… it’s the precedent this sets.  To write discrimination into law is a dangerous thing, and the LGBTQ+ minority is wise to what kind of backlash such politics might create.  So they are continuing to find substantive ways to take action, and claim a place in this nation," says co-founder Marianne Puechl.

In September 2000, nearly a quarter of a century ago, Puechl and her partner Cindy Sproul founded an online wedding resource committed to the LGBTQ+ community, serving as a bridge between those couples and businesses that uphold a policy of non-discrimination.  Since that time, their company has continued to grow the services of their website and also has produced over 300 signature LGBTQ+ Wedding Expos in 37 states all across the United States.  Their event calendar for this year features 24 events.

"We've met hundreds of thousands of LGBTQ+ people who are planning weddings, and we've met with an even higher number of small business professionals who are allies of the community, simply wishing to serve ALL couples with respectfulness and civility.  Treat all couples the same.  It has been heartening this past 23 years to see the enthusiasm of heterosexual allies with regard to this very important issue, and I believe rulings like the SCOTUS decision today will only serve to motivate these advocates to come forward with even more rigorous support."

Couples too are continuing to take action.  From's vantage point, the company's team can point to an uptick in RSVPs for all their LGBTQ+ Wedding Expos since the recent swell regarding anti-LGBTQ+ policies and proposed legislation, such as the 'Don't Say Gay' laws in Florida, attempts to ban drag performances, and unrelenting anti-trans rulings.  "The Respect for Marriage Act late last year was a positive and bipartisan moment," Puechl goes on to say, "but couples knew even then that it was simply a placeholder.  They are more committed than we've ever before seen this past quarter century to move ahead with their wedding plans and their married lives together, and to do it with pride and fearlessness.

"As a collective of LGBTQ+ individuals, and advocates of equality," Puechl continues, "we must use decisions like 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis to energize our resolve.  Our community’s rights for fair treatment under the law also matter:  I don't think there's any doubt anymore that it's our own responsibility to stand up for those rights and make sure they too are counted."

For Further Information:  Marianne Puechl or Cindy Sproul, co-founders

O: 828-672-6377

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National Tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos Visits Raleigh in February with Unique 5th Annual Event - Couples Still Eager to Seek Out LGBTQ-Welcoming Wedding Services


Raleigh, NC – Following the SCOTUS decision in June 2015 regarding marriage equality for the LGBTQ community, most couples found themselves breathing a sigh of relief. After a decade of vacillating legislation in states throughout the nation, couples finally felt at ease with enjoying a leisurely engagement and planning their dream ceremonies with a more relaxed timeframe. But now, with the new administration in the White House, continuing anti-trans policies, and a Supreme Court appointment that will likely lean toward the conservative, LGBTQ couples find themselves again facing an uncertain future with regard to marriage rights & family equality.

“The potential passage of legislation like the First Amendment Defense Act has many couples feeling rushed to move ahead and plan their weddings sooner, rather than later,” says co-founder Marianne Puechl. “It’s not so much the fact that certain wedding professionals might soon be able to openly discriminate… it’s the precedent that legislation of this kind sets. To write discrimination into law is a dangerous thing, and the LGBTQ minority is wise to what kind of backlash such a bill might create. So they are finding ways to take action.”

Puechl and her partner Cindy Sproul launched in 2000, and began producing a national tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos in 2003. To date, the company has brought over 190 signature events to 33 states, and continues to expand its circuit each year. 2018 marks a 5th annual event in Raleigh, hosted once again by The Raleigh Marriott City Center.

“We’ve seen a spike in RSVP’s for our upcoming events ever since November 9th 2016,” Puechl continues. “Couples aren’t frantic, but they’re wanting to take real action. Moving ahead with their plans to marry is one way they can empower themselves.”

RainbowWeddingNetwork’s tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos will visit Raleigh just after Valentines Day, with an informative and celebratory event set for Sunday February 25th. This fifth annual event will be hosted once again by the Raleigh Marriott City Center and will feature a diversity of screened, LGBTQ-friendly wedding, honeymoon and home-related vendors in a welcoming atmosphere. The afternoon will offer couples the opportunity to mingle with enthusiastic, experienced professionals, eager to help them bring together the details for their Dream Weddings. Food Samples, Trendy Planning Ideas & Raffle Giveaways will be highlights of the event. The Expo is free for couples to attend, and all budgets are welcome. Friends, family, hetero- allies & other advocates of equal rights are welcome to join the celebration.

“Couples, their wedding party & LGBTQ allies will gather together at the Expo,” says Puechl. “Couples are planning their ceremonies & honeymoons, and wedding professionals are meeting new clients. But more than that, this will be an afternoon for everyone to join together & envision the next steps for the LGBTQ community in the area as well as throughout the country. The more cohesive our community becomes, the sooner we’ll achieve lasting equality throughout the nation."

Sunday February 25th, 2018 (12:30-3:30pm)
Location: Raleigh Marriott City Center / 500 Fayetteville Street / Raleigh, North Carolina 27601
RSVPs are requested to attend this event - for more information visit
For Further Information: Cindy Sproul or Marianne Puechl, co-founders / RainbowWeddingNetwork
O: 828-645-8750 / C: 828-231-7983 / mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /

Valentine’s Engagement in the Air?? National Tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos Visits Indianapolis in February with Unique 3rd Annual Event


Indianapolis, IN – Following the SCOTUS decision in June 2015 regarding marriage equality for the LGBTQ community, most couples found themselves breathing a sigh of relief. After a decade of vacillating legislation in states throughout the nation, couples finally felt at ease with enjoying a leisurely engagement and planning their dream ceremonies with a more relaxed timeframe. But now, with the new administration in the White House, continuing anti-trans policies, and a Supreme Court appointment that will likely lean toward the conservative, LGBTQ couples find themselves again facing an uncertain future with regard to marriage rights & family equality.

“The potential passage of legislation like the First Amendment Defense Act has many couples feeling rushed to move ahead and plan their weddings sooner, rather than later,” says co-founder Marianne Puechl. “It’s not so much the fact that certain wedding professionals might soon be able to openly discriminate… it’s the precedent that legislation of this kind sets. To write discrimination into law is a dangerous thing, and the LGBTQ minority is wise to what kind of backlash such a bill might create. So they are finding ways to take action.”

Puechl and her partner Cindy Sproul launched in 2000, and began producing a national tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos in 2003. To date, the company has brought over 190 signature events to 33 states, and continues to expand its circuit each year. 2018 marks a 3rd annual event in Indianapolis, hosted once again by The Hawthorns Golf & Country Club.

“We’ve seen a spike in RSVP’s for our upcoming events ever since November 9th 2016,” Puechl continues. “Couples aren’t frantic, but they’re wanting to take real action. Moving ahead with their plans to marry is one way they can empower themselves.”

RainbowWeddingNetwork’s tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos will visit Indianapolis just after Valentines Day, with an informative and festive event set for Sunday February 18th. This third annual event will be hosted once again by The Hawthorns Golf & Country Club in Fishers and will spotlight a diversity of screened, LGBTQ-friendly wedding, honeymoon and home-related vendors in a welcoming atmosphere. The afternoon will offer couples the opportunity to mingle with enthusiastic, experienced professionals, eager to help them bring together the details for their Dream Weddings. Food Samples, Trendy Planning Ideas & Raffle Giveaways will be highlights of the event, and couples also will have the opportunity to tour the unique and elegant features of the Hawthorns. The Expo is free for couples to attend, and all budgets are welcome. Friends, family, hetero- allies & other advocates of equal rights are welcome to join the celebration.

“Couples, their wedding party & LGBTQ allies will gather together at the Expo,” says Puechl. “Couples are planning their ceremonies & honeymoons, and wedding professionals are meeting new clients. But more than that, this will be an afternoon for everyone to join together & envision the next steps for the LGBTQ community in the area as well as throughout the country. The more cohesive our community becomes, the sooner we’ll achieve lasting equality throughout the nation."

Sunday February 18th, 2018 (12:30-3:30pm)
Location: The Hawthorns Golf & Country Club / 12255 Club Point Drive / Fishers, IN 46037
RSVPs are requested to attend this event - for more information visit
For Further Information: Cindy Sproul or Marianne Puechl, co-founders / RainbowWeddingNetwork
O: 828-645-8750 / C: 828-231-7983 / mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /

National Tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos Visits Oklahoma City on Valentines Weekend with Unique Inaugural Event - Couples Still Motivated to Seek Out LGBTQ-specific Wedding Resources


Oklahoma City, OK – Following the SCOTUS decision in June 2015 regarding marriage equality for the LGBTQ community, most couples found themselves breathing a sigh of relief. After a decade of vacillating legislation in states throughout the nation, couples finally felt at ease with enjoying a leisurely engagement and planning their dream ceremonies with a more relaxed timeframe. But now, with the new administration in the White House, continuing anti-trans policies, and a Supreme Court appointment that will likely lean toward the conservative, LGBTQ couples find themselves again facing an uncertain future with regard to marriage rights & family equality.

“The potential passage of legislation like the First Amendment Defense Act has many couples feeling rushed to move ahead and plan their weddings sooner, rather than later,” says co-founder Marianne Puechl. “It’s not so much the fact that certain wedding professionals might soon be able to openly discriminate… it’s the precedent that legislation of this kind sets. To write discrimination into law is a dangerous thing, and the LGBTQ minority is wise to what kind of backlash such a bill might create. So they are finding ways to take action.”

Puechl and her partner Cindy Sproul launched in 2000, and began producing a national tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos in 2003. To date, the company has brought over 190 signature events to 33 states, and continues to expand its circuit each year. 2018 marks an inaugural event in Oklahoma City, and the 34th state in which RWN has produced an event.

“We’ve seen a spike in RSVP’s for our upcoming events ever since November 9th 2016,” Puechl continues. “Couples aren’t frantic, but they’re wanting to take real action. Moving ahead with their plans to marry is one way they can empower themselves.”

RainbowWeddingNetwork’s tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos will visit Oklahoma City on Valentines Weekend, with a celebratory, informative event set for Sunday February 11th. This first annual event will be hosted by the Gaillardia Country Club and will spotlight a diversity of screened, LGBTQ-friendly wedding, honeymoon and home-related vendors in an elegant and welcoming atmosphere. The afternoon will offer couples the opportunity to mingle with enthusiastic, experienced professionals, eager to help them bring together the details for their Dream Weddings. Food Samples, Trendy Planning Ideas & Raffle Giveaways will be highlights of the event, and couples also will have the opportunity to tour the unique and beautiful features of the Gaillardia. The Expo is free for couples to attend, and all budgets are welcome. Friends, family, hetero- allies & other advocates of equal rights are welcome to join the celebration.

“Couples, their wedding party & LGBTQ allies will gather together at the Expo,” says Puechl. “Couples are planning their ceremonies & honeymoons, and wedding professionals are meeting new clients. But more than that, this will be an afternoon for everyone to join together & envision the next steps for the LGBTQ community in the area as well as throughout the country. The more cohesive our community becomes, the sooner we’ll achieve lasting equality throughout the nation."

Sunday February 11th, 2018 (12:30-3:30pm)
Location: Gaillardia Country Club / 5300 Gaillardia Boulevard / Oklahoma City, OK 73142
RSVPs are requested to attend this event - for more information visit
For Further Information: Cindy Sproul or Marianne Puechl, co-founders / RainbowWeddingNetwork
O: 828-645-8750 / C: 828-231-7983 / mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /

National Tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos Visits West Hartford this Month with Inaugural Event at the DELAMAR - Couples Still Eager for LGBTQ-specific Wedding Resources


W. Hartford, CT – Following the SCOTUS decision in June 2015 regarding marriage equality for the LGBTQ community, most couples found themselves breathing a sigh of relief. After a decade of vacillating legislation in states throughout the nation, couples finally felt at ease with enjoying a leisurely engagement and planning their dream ceremonies with a more relaxed timeframe. But now, with the new administration in the White House, continuing anti-trans policies, and a Supreme Court appointment that will likely lean toward the conservative, LGBTQ couples find themselves again facing an uncertain future with regard to marriage rights & family equality.

“The potential passage of legislation like the First Amendment Defense Act has many couples feeling rushed to move ahead and plan their weddings sooner, rather than later,” says co-founder Marianne Puechl. “It’s not so much the fact that certain wedding professionals might soon be able to openly discriminate… it’s the precedent that legislation of this kind sets. To write discrimination into law is a dangerous thing, and the LGBTQ minority is wise to what kind of backlash such a bill might create. So they are finding ways to take action.”

Puechl & her partner Cindy Sproul launched in 2000, and began producing a national tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos in 2003. To date, the company has brought over 190 signature events to 33 states, and continues to expand its circuit each year. 2018 marks an inaugural event in West Hartford, hosted by the newly opened DELAMAR Hotel.

“We’ve seen a spike in RSVP’s for our upcoming events ever since November 9th 2016,” Puechl continues. “Couples aren’t frantic, but they’re wanting to take real action. Moving ahead with their plans to marry is one way they can empower themselves.”

RainbowWeddingNetwork’s tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos will visit West Hartford with a celebratory, informative event set for Sunday January 28th. This first annual event will be hosted by the elegant DELAMAR West Hartford and will spotlight a diversity of screened, LGBTQ-friendly wedding and home-related vendors in a welcoming atmosphere. The afternoon will offer couples the opportunity to mingle with enthusiastic, experienced professionals, eager to help them bring together the details for their Dream Weddings. Food Samples, Trendy Planning Ideas & Raffle Giveaways will be highlights of the event, as well as the opportunity to tour the newly opened DELAMAR. The Expo is free for couples to attend, and all budgets are welcome. Friends, family, hetero- allies & other advocates of equal rights are welcome to join the celebration.

“Couples, their wedding party & LGBTQ allies will gather together at the Expo,” says Puechl. “Couples are planning their ceremonies & honeymoons, and wedding professionals are meeting new clients. But more than that, this will be an afternoon for everyone to join together & envision the next steps for the LGBTQ community in the area as well as throughout the country. The more cohesive our community becomes, the sooner we’ll achieve lasting equality throughout the nation."

Sunday January 28th, 2018 (12:30-3:30pm)
Location: Delamar West Hartford / 1 Memorial Rd / West Hartford, CT 06107
RSVPs are requested to attend this event - for more information visit
For Further Information: Cindy Sproul or Marianne Puechl, co-founders / RainbowWeddingNetwork
O: 828-645-8750 / C: 828-231-7983 / mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /

National Tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos Kicks Off 2018 Schedule with 5th Annual Event in Jersey City this Month - Couples Still Eager for LGBTQ-specific Wedding Resources


Jersey City, NJ – Following the SCOTUS decision in June 2015 regarding marriage equality for the LGBTQ community, most couples found themselves breathing a sigh of relief. After a decade of vacillating legislation in states throughout the nation, couples finally felt at ease with enjoying a leisurely engagement and planning their dream ceremonies with a more relaxed timeframe. But now, with the new administration in the White House, continuing anti-trans policies, and a Supreme Court appointment that will likely lean toward the conservative, LGBTQ couples find themselves again facing an uncertain future with regard to marriage rights & family equality.

“The potential passage of legislation like the First Amendment Defense Act has many couples feeling rushed to move ahead and plan their weddings sooner, rather than later,” says co-founder Marianne Puechl. “It’s not so much the fact that certain wedding professionals might soon be able to openly discriminate… it’s the precedent that legislation of this kind sets. To write discrimination into law is a dangerous thing, and the LGBTQ minority is wise to what kind of backlash such a bill might create. So they are finding ways to take action.”

Puechl and her partner Cindy Sproul launched in 2000, and began producing a national tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos in 2003. To date, the company has brought over 190 signature events to 33 states, and continues to expand its circuit each year. 2018 marks a 5th annual event in Jersey City, hosted by the Liberty House Restaurant.

“We’ve seen a spike in RSVP’s for our upcoming events ever since November 9th 2016,” Puechl continues. “Couples aren’t frantic, but they’re wanting to take real action. Moving ahead with their plans to marry is one way they can empower themselves.”

RainbowWeddingNetwork’s tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos will visit Jersey City with a festive, informative event set for Sunday January 21st. This fifth annual event will be hosted once again by the Liberty House Restaurant and will spotlight a diversity of screened, LGBTQ-friendly wedding and home-related vendors in an elegant and welcoming atmosphere. The afternoon will offer couples the opportunity to mingle with enthusiastic, experienced professionals, eager to help them bring together the details for their Dream Weddings. Food Samples, Trendy Planning Ideas & Raffle Giveaways will be highlights of the event, as well as Interactive Presentations by Jersey City Ballroom and the Giampolo Law Group. The Expo is free for couples to attend, and all budgets are welcome. Friends, family, hetero- allies & other advocates of equal rights are welcome to join the celebration.

“Couples, their wedding party & LGBTQ allies will gather together at the Expo,” says Puechl. “Couples are planning their ceremonies & honeymoons, and wedding professionals are meeting new clients. But more than that, this will be an afternoon for everyone to join together & envision the next steps for the LGBTQ community in the area as well as throughout the country. The more cohesive our community becomes, the sooner we’ll achieve lasting equality throughout the nation."

Sunday January 21st, 2018 (12:30-3:30pm)
Location: Liberty House Restaurant / 76 Audrey Zapp Drive / Jersey City, NJ 07305
RSVPs are requested to attend this event - for more information visit
For Further Information: Cindy Sproul or Marianne Puechl, co-founders / RainbowWeddingNetwork
O: 828-645-8750 / C: 828-231-7983 / mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /

National Tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos Visits St Augustine just before Valentines Day - Couples Still Eager for LGBTQ-specific Wedding Resources


St Augustine, FL – Following the SCOTUS decision in June 2015 regarding marriage equality for the LGBTQ community, most couples found themselves breathing a sigh of relief. After a decade of vacillating legislation in states throughout the nation, couples finally felt at ease with enjoying a leisurely engagement and planning their dream ceremonies with a more relaxed timeframe. But now, with the new administration in the White House, continuing anti-trans policies, and a Supreme Court appointment that will likely lean toward the conservative, LGBTQ couples find themselves again facing an uncertain future with regard to marriage rights & family equality.

“The potential passage of legislation like the First Amendment Defense Act has many couples feeling rushed to move ahead and plan their weddings sooner, rather than later,” says co-founder Marianne Puechl. “It’s not so much the fact that certain wedding professionals might soon be able to openly discriminate… it’s the precedent that legislation of this kind sets. To write discrimination into law is a dangerous thing, and the LGBTQ minority is wise to what kind of backlash such a bill might create. So they are finding ways to take action.”

Puechl and her partner Cindy Sproul launched in 2000, and began producing a national tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos in 2003. To date, the company has brought over 190 signature events to 33 states, and continues to expand its circuit each year. 2018 marks a first-time event in St Augustine.

“We’ve seen a spike in RSVP’s for our upcoming events ever since November 9th 2016,” Puechl continues. “Couples aren’t frantic, but they’re wanting to take real action. Moving ahead with their plans to marry is one way they can empower themselves.”

RainbowWeddingNetwork’s tour of LGBTQ Wedding Expos will visit St Augustine Florida just before Valentines Day, with a festive, informative event set for Sunday February 4th. This first annual event will be hosted by the Holiday Isle Oceanfront Resort and will spotlight a diversity of screened, LGBTQ-friendly wedding and home-related vendors in an elegant and welcoming atmosphere. The afternoon will offer couples the opportunity to mingle with enthusiastic, experienced professionals, eager to help them bring together the details for their Dream Weddings. Food Samples, Trendy Planning Ideas & Raffle Giveaways will also be highlights of the event. The Expo is free for couples to attend, and all budgets are welcome. Friends, family, hetero- allies & other advocates of equal rights are welcome to join the celebration.

“Couples, their wedding party & LGBTQ allies will gather together at the Expo,” says Puechl. “Couples are planning their ceremonies & honeymoons, and wedding professionals are meeting new clients. But more than that, this will be an afternoon for everyone to join together & envision the next steps for the LGBTQ community in the area as well as throughout the country. The more cohesive our community becomes, the sooner we’ll achieve lasting equality throughout the nation."

Sunday February 4th, 2018 (12:30-3:30pm)
Location: Holiday Isle Oceanfront Resort / 860 A1A Beach Blvd. / St. Augustine Beach, FL 32080
RSVPs are requested to attend this event - for more information visit
For Further Information: Cindy Sproul or Marianne Puechl, co-founders / RainbowWeddingNetwork
O: 828-645-8750 / C: 828-231-7983 / mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /