LGBTQ+ Families - Q&A with Cryos International

LGBTQ+ Families - Q&A with Cryos International

That rainbow path to parenthood can be one filled with a mix of variables and unknowns. But throughout the years here at RainbowWeddingNetwork, we have found countless organizations, companies and vendors who advocate enthusiastically for the LGBTQ+ community - and are committed to helping prospective parents find successful ways to grow their families. From adoption professionals to healthcare professionals, surrogacy services, doulas and more... And one of our favorite such organizations is Cryos International, a global sperm and egg donor bank. We took time recently to chat with Grant Hentges, senior development manager at Cryos, for a short Q&A to help our readers understand more about all this wonderful company has to offer.

RWN:  What are the basic resources Cryos offers?
Cryos International is a global sperm and egg donor bank. Within the reproductive health/IVF industry, we fill a very specific niche: to recruit, screen, and collect samples from sperm and egg donors of all ethnicities and phenotypes who want to help people make their dream of having a child come true.

RWN:  In what ways is Cryos different than other companies that offer similar services?
There are several important considerations when choosing a donor. These include the family medical history of the donor; the infectious and genetic testing performed on the donor; the donor’s profile, including what information is disclosed to aspiring parents and their children; and the process of ordering a donor sample and having it delivered. Cryos has tailored this process with the intended parent in mind. Our entire donor catalog is accessible via our online Donor Search, not hidden behind a paywall. Intended parents can see how many donors we have in stock, how many specimens each donor has available, what testing was performed, the donor’s family medical history, the donor’s profile, and where the donor can be shipped, all free of charge. Our website features childhood photos of the donors, audio recordings, handwritten motivation for donation letters, and many profiles feature photos of the donors as adults and Face Matching services to match intended parents with donors using facial recognition software. Our world-class Customer Care team is available to provide guidance through the ordering and shipping process in multiple languages, via phone, chat, or email. Finally, our emphasis on quality control sets us apart, with our computer-automated sperm processing system, industry-leading embryology lab equipment, and our quality guarantees for both sperm and egg purchases.

RWN:  How long has Cryos been in existence? And how long have you worked specifically with LGBTQ+ clients?
Cryos was first established over 35 years ago in Denmark. Our company’s founder, Ole Schou, has proudly worked with LGBTQ+ families during our company’s entire existence.

RWN:  Why do you think LGBTQ+ prospective parents feel comfortable working with the Cryos team?
Our philosophy is simple: we want to help people realize their dreams of having a family. Every Cryos employee is dedicated to helping build happy and healthy families, regardless of gender identity, family composition, marital status, or sexuality. Playing a small role in helping parents-to-be have babies inspires all of us!

RWN:  Do you have suggestions to help LGBTQ+ clients find medical providers who are LGBTQ+ friendly, and to find other resources to help in their journey toward building their family?
On our website, we have a blog universe featuring articles about all aspects of the family-building process, including posts about selecting a donor and real-life stories from parents of donor children. There are several organizations that can help LGBTQ+ patients navigate the process of building their families. The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) has an interactive clinic search that can help patients select a provider based on different criteria (including LGBTQ+ programs). SART’s website also provides detailed information about clinics’ success rates and patient outcomes. There is another group, Resolve, which is an advocacy organization that works on behalf of every patient utilizing assisted reproductive technology services. Resolve has resources and support groups for every type of patient, and closely tracks changes in regulations affecting the industry. Finally, there are a few additional organizations that work with specific subgroups in the LGBTQ+ community, including Family Equality, Men Having Babies, and Gay Parents To Be, to name a few.

RWN:  Where can interested readers find specific rate information?
All pricing information can be found directly on our website. There is a pricing guide in the “How To” section of our website for sperm and egg donor costs, as well as shipping fees. In the online Donor Search, the prices for each sample are published on the Donor Profiles.

RWN:  What words of hope can you offer to any of our readers who may be thinking of growing their family in the near future?
If you’re thinking about growing your family – it’s never too early to start exploring your options! For those of us in the LGBTQ+ community, family building involves a few extra steps, so it’s smart to have an idea of what the process entails. Also, try not to get overwhelmed by thinking that you need to navigate everything on your own. There are so many passionate people in the industry whose job is specifically to help you—tap into every resource available. Most importantly, never lose hope of your dream, because having a family is one of life’s greatest joys!


For more information, please visit Cryos International online, or reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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