Your Love Matters.
This election may have profound impact on the trajectory of equal rights for many populations throughout our nation (and beyond); nonetheless, the authenticity of who you are and the love you cultivate in the world still matter.
Your family, your friends, your neighbors and our broader communities: all our rights still matter.
It will take time to clear the dust of November 5th, and set our sights toward the way forward. But we will.
As you know, we, the founders of, have been around for a quarter of a century, since the year 2000 - just before the first state in the USA began providing civil unions: we have seen a lot of tumultuous ups and downs with regard to marriage rights and LGBTQ+ equality. Our first recommendation is to let yourself feel all the emotions of the post-election, and allow yourself to grieve... Ultimately keep reaching out to trusted professionals and gathering information from trustworthy sources to find the answers you're seeking: try not to let the panic overtake your decision-making. No one knows how long it will take for SCOTUS to overturn Obergefell, but yet it is likely. It was likely before yesterday, in fact. Will there later be a national marriage ban? Perhaps. But that is quite a ways into the future. Will those who are married have their marriages rescinded? That is harder to come to pass, legally, but of course nothing is impossible when a president is saying he may shred the Constitution. But again, that would be quite some time into the future.
Please anchor yourself today on the knowledge that your LOVE is real, your plan to commit your lives together is valid, and use that as your fuel to light a realistic way forward. Our community is very adept at organizing: we will find ways to do so and continue progressing equality. There are many wise and experienced people on the side of Freedom and Equality. There will be more ups and downs, more vacillations, more setbacks; there will be more unknowns. But together we will continue to march ahead.